The Collective
The Collectif Contre l'Islamophobie en Europe (Collective Against Islamophobia in Europe) is a not-for-profit association set up in Belgium on 1 November 2020. Its aim is to take action against rejection, hatred and discrimination directed at people and institutions because of their real or supposed membership of the Muslim religion.
The CCIE is a non-governmental, non-political and non-religious organisation, independent and financed solely by its supporters (members and donors). It works for equality and justice.
The main activity of the CCIE is built around three axes:
- Legal and psychological support for victims of Islamophobia
- Raising awareness (campaigns, events, training) against Islamophobia
- Survey and analysis of the phenomenon of Islamophobia at European level
Although it is a young association, its creation at the end of 2020 corresponds to a reality in certain European countries such as France and Austria, where freedom of association is threatened by the authorities. More specifically, the birth of the CCIE is a symptom of the drift towards security in France, which has led to the dissolution of certain associative structures, such as the CCIF (Collectif Contre l'Islamophobie en France), whose intellectual output over 17 years of existence, reports since 2003, means of communication and experience on a European scale have been bequeathed to the Collectif Contre l'Islamophobie en Europe. The CCIE also inherits the same approach to the phenomenon of Islamophobia, as well as its definition:
Islamophobia refers to all acts of verbal or physical violence and discrimination against an institution, a legal entity or an individual on the grounds of their real or supposed membership of the Muslim religion.