Sign the petition
In the face of growing uncertainty over the composition of the next government, political manoeuvring and attempts to form alliances and divide the country, the CCIE recalls the choice overwhelmingly expressed by the French people during the recent legislative elections: a choice in favour of solidarity, equality and social justice. This petition is a call to make the voices of those who fear that they are being betrayed heard, in particular working-class neighbourhoods and people of post-colonial immigrant background. Against economic insecurity, against racism and systemic discrimination, and for the rights of Palestinians, let's remember the promises that must be kept.
Three days after the second round of the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron has finally spoken, sending a letter to the French people in which he stresses that "no one has won". As no single political force has obtained a sufficient majority, the blocs formed are destined to remain in the minority. The letter stresses the need to form a republican front, after a period of reflection to allow the political forces to build compromises with "serenity and respect for each other".
This statement appears to be a clear denial of the current political reality. Against all the odds, the New Popular Front came out on top, winning 182 seats as MPs, compared with 168 for the Macronist forces and 143 for the far right, who were already seen to be on the doorstep of power. These results reflect a clear message from the majority of French people: a rejection of both the brutal and authoritarian policies of the President's camp and the fascist policies of the Front National. Despite this clear victory for the forces of the left, there is no question of Emmanuel Macron calling for a government - including a compromise government - that would make room for the struggles for social and climate justice and against the inequalities of all kinds that are endangering social cohesion in French society.
It's also worth remembering the extent to which the mobilisation of working-class neighbourhoods during these elections played a decisive role in countering the threat from the far right. Against the arsonist and racist theses put forward by the French government (remember Gérald Darmanin rejoicing at the absence of the "bleedards" in the second round of the election in the middle of the summer), the fringes of society with a post-colonial and working-class immigrant background demonstrated a remarkable civic spirit in the face of the fascist danger. The working-class neighbourhoods showed a surfeit of morality and political correctness that large sections of the French bourgeoisie failed to display, failing to mobilise against the possibility of fascism.
Working-class neighbourhoods, which contributed massively to the Left's electoral success, must not be left out of this new political chapter. They have every right to demand that their voices be heard above the din of the current negotiations and that their expectations be fully taken into account. These hopes express their attachment to the ideals of social justice and equality:
- Measures must be put in place as a matter of urgency to combat economic insecurity, guarantee a decent standard of living and combat galloping inflation which is eroding the incomes of the most vulnerable. Freeze the prices of essential goods, raise the minimum wage, repeal pension reform and defend the right to housing.
- The systemic discrimination continue to marginalise whole segments of the population. The government must adopt a proactive approach to combating all forms of racism and discrimination, by strengthening protection mechanisms and ensuring strict application of anti-discrimination laws. In this respect, Islamophobic laws, particularly the law on separatism, must be repealed. A national anti-discrimination plan including islamophobic discrimination must be adopted and implemented.
- Inequalities in education remain a major challenge. It is imperative toinvest massively in education, ensuring adequate resources for schools in disadvantaged areasThis is achieved by promoting inclusive policies that enable every child to succeed, without discrimination and regardless of social origin, gender or religion.
- Finally, France must adopt a firm and clear position in favour of the Palestinian rights, act for a immediate ceasefire and for severe penalties against the government of Benyamin Netanyahu.
We call on everyone to remain vigilant and demanding. Terrified by the political insignificance to which he is doomed, the Head of State is seeking to gain time, hoping to weaken the current momentum. But French society cannot afford any more procrastination. Beyond the cacophony of partisan political apparatchiks, a proposal for social justice, equality and respect for human rights must be formulated and heard.
Let's not let this opportunity turn into a disappointment for those who have pinned their hopes on genuine change. This window of opportunity may be our last before catastrophe strikes.