One in two Muslims suffers discrimination, says EU Fundamental Rights Agency report

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has just published An alarming report on the situation of Muslims in Europe. The findings of this survey of around 10,000 Muslims across thirteen EU countries show that Islamophobia is a daily and growing reality for millions of European citizens.

According to the report, almost half of respondents (50%) said they had experienced discrimination in the last five years, and 38 % in the last year. These figures are much higher than those observed in the general population, where only 21 % of people say they have experienced some form of discrimination. The report shows that this discrimination occurs mainly in the world of work and access to housing, with rates of 39 % and 35 % respectively. Muslim women wearing headscarves are particularly targeted by this discrimination.

There has also been a worrying rise in racist harassment and violence against Muslims. Nearly 35% of respondents say they have been the victim of racist incidents in the last 12 months, an increase of 10 percentage points compared to 2016. Verbal attacks, threats and even physical assaults have become commonplace, once again putting visible Muslim women on the front line.

The Collectif contre l'islamophobie en Europe (Collective against Islamophobia in Europe) stands by anyone who is a victim of Islamophobia in Belgium, France and Switzerland and supports them in their legal and psychological proceedings. By joining the CCIE, you will help thousands of Muslims to assert their rights and regain their dignity. Join today: 

The Collectif Contre l'Islamophobie en Europe is a non-profit association based in Belgium.


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