

Press releases

Are you a witness to or victim of Islamophobia?

Report it now on the Equitas website or app

If you are the victim of an Islamophobic act (discrimination, insult, threat, assault, etc.), or if you witness an Islamophobic act (incitement to hatred, desecration, etc.), report the act to the Equitas platform, which specialises in dealing with cases of Islamophobia in Europe.

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Practical information

Data on Islamophobia in Europe

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Join the CCIE

and strengthen its legal action

By joining the Collectif contre l'Islamophobie en Europe, you are making a direct contribution to the fight against Islamophobia by :

  • soutenant les victimes dans leurs démarches
  • aidant à sensibiliser contre l'islamophobie
  • ajoutant votre voix aux milliers d'adhérents


CCIE members

  • Ensemble nous sommes plus forts !

Student membership

15 €

per year

exclusive access to the members' area

Individual membership

30 €

per year

exclusive access to the members' area

Couple membership

50 €

per year

exclusive access for 2 to the members' area

Premium membership

100 €*

per year

exclusive access for 2 to the members' area + coverage of legal costs relating to Islamophobia

* Legal costs will be covered after one year's membership.

Exclusively for members!

By joining, you benefit from a number of advantages:

Priority care

By joining the CCIE, you are funding free support for victims of Islamophobia, especially if they are you.

Access to exclusive content

Masterclasses with various speakers on the issues of Islamophobia, discrimination and racism. Training courses to learn about your rights in depth, understand the law and go beyond the practical information sheets. You'll also find cultural content: films and podcasts. Access never-before-seen content, reserved exclusively for CCIE members!

Access to the social solidarity network

Each member has a profile with which they can interact, ask for help, offer help and take part in discussions via the forum. The social network is also the place to find job offers.


The CCIE sometimes initiates campaigns in which the participation of its members, who are involved in the fight against Islamophobia, is welcome.

Exclusive access to members' area





You can contribute to the fight against Islamophobia by giving your time. Go to the contact page and write "Volunteering" in the subject line.

Make a

The CCIE is a financially independent collective that relies solely on support and memberships. Contribute to its autonomy by making a donation!


In order to guarantee long-term action, it's important to make a long-term commitment and add your voice to those who join the CCIE!

What is the role of the CCIE?

Our members say it best

The Collectif Contre l'Islamophobie en Europe is a non-profit association based in Belgium.


Boulevard de l'Empereur 10, 1000 BRUSSELS


In order to guarantee long-term action, it's important to make a long-term commitment and add your voice to those who join the CCIE!

Copyright 2024 CCIE