CCIE members
If you are the victim of an Islamophobic act (discrimination, insult, threat, assault, etc.), or if you witness an Islamophobic act (incitement to hatred, desecration, etc.), report the act to the Equitas platform, which specialises in dealing with cases of Islamophobia in Europe.
Receive regular updates on our practical information sheets, news about Islamophobia in Europe and the campaigns we are undertaking.
By joining the Collectif contre l'Islamophobie en Europe, you are making a direct contribution to the fight against Islamophobia by :
CCIE members
Priority care
By joining the CCIE, you are funding free support for victims of Islamophobia, especially if they are you.
Access to exclusive content
Masterclasses with various speakers on the issues of Islamophobia, discrimination and racism. Training courses to learn about your rights in depth, understand the law and go beyond the practical information sheets. You'll also find cultural content: films and podcasts. Access never-before-seen content, reserved exclusively for CCIE members!
Access to the social solidarity network
Each member has a profile with which they can interact, ask for help, offer help and take part in discussions via the forum. The social network is also the place to find job offers.
The CCIE sometimes initiates campaigns in which the participation of its members, who are involved in the fight against Islamophobia, is welcome.
You can contribute to the fight against Islamophobia by giving your time. Go to the contact page and write "Volunteering" in the subject line.
The CCIE is a financially independent collective that relies solely on support and memberships. Contribute to its autonomy by making a donation!
In order to guarantee long-term action, it's important to make a long-term commitment and add your voice to those who join the CCIE!
I won my case in the industrial tribunal: they found in my favour and said it was discrimination. None of this would have been possible without the help of the CCIE. Thank you, I can finally turn the page.
You have a power, a strike force that is not negligible. And that, for me, is truly incredible.
The CCIE gives people the means to defend themselves. It's a very fine piece of educational work.
The Collectif Contre l'Islamophobie en Europe is a non-profit association based in Belgium.
In order to guarantee long-term action, it's important to make a long-term commitment and add your voice to those who join the CCIE!